
How to Make Powerful Presentations

How many of us feel like running away from the scene where we have to make a presentation in front of our colleagues or other people. The reason behind it is our ‘Fear of failure’ to perform in front of our audience. To change this, we have to push ourselves from a state of ‘fear to excitement’ while making a presentation and this is what your audience will recognize as a ‘Powerful Presentation’.

Moving from fear to excitement requires ‘CHANGE’. A change in thoughts, attitude and perception is mandatory. This Change comes from within, as we are the masters of our own thoughts and actions.

Powerful Presentations

Here are the 10 Steps that can change your state from ‘Fear to Excitement’ when you are standing in front of your audience

    • Visualize clearly how you want to be and how you want your audience to be. In a nutshell, always be positive in terms of your thoughts.

    • Think that your audience wants you to succeed. Never believe in the fact that your audience wants you to fail, as that is what leads to demotivation and fear.

    • Focus on listeners who are positive towards you. Your audience will always be a mixed bag of people and some of them would be really interested in what you are speaking while some of them would be totally against your thoughts on the topic. You have to learn to focus on the audience that is listening to you and responds to your thoughts.

    • Speak positive about yourself and focus on your strengths. Believe in the power of your strengths and focus on them with all your heart.

    • Fear is ego-based. A concern over how we are perceived isolates us from the audience. Let go of ego and energetically connect to the audience.

    • Play energizing music before your presentation and on breaks.

    • Use humor as a tool to create a stress-free environment.

    • Raise your energy levels through rapport- building. It helps you to understand your audience and lessens anxiety.

    • Take advantage of the excitement. Breathe it in and let it move through your body.

    • Change your thoughts from negative to positive. Speak from the heart about your experience and try to feel the experience while talking about it. This engages the audience to a high level and creates a stress-free environment.

Making a powerful presentation is an art and anyone can achieve this task with ease by practicing a few simple steps for success. Practice the steps regularly and focus on your strengths and you will be confident enough to make a powerful presentation to your audience.

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